From the romantic exchange of wedding vows to the joyful celebrations of birthdays, through the sacred ceremonies of communion, baptism and confirmation, our site offers a platform dedicated to making every event unforgettable. Browse our proposals, from suggestive wedding venues to sweet ideas for birthday parties, and get ready to create memories that will last forever.

Confirmation, communions, baptisms
From meticulous planning to flawless fulfillment, we are committed to turning your dreams into reality. Whether you’re planning a sacred event or a fun party, here you’ll find everything you need to make every moment special and unique.

With a focus on birthdays, we offer a wide selection of services and creative ideas to meet every need. For your joyous birthday parties, here you will find the inspiration and support you need to create memorable events that reflect your style and your values
The restaurant of the Agriturismo offers its guests genuine and tasty dishes of the typical local cuisine made mainly with seasonal products.
Where we are
Via Torre di Presciano 1 Velletri (RM)
Opening hours
Open on Fridays for dinner.
Saturday for lunch and dinner
Sundays only at lunch.
We are also open on all holidays
Contact us
Tel: 06 961 951 54
Tel/Fax: 06 960 053 98
Cell: 339 82 58 719
Cell: 338 34 47 915
Cell: 339 35 44 258
Cell: 339 45 88 346
I Casali della Parata di Scatamacchia Stefano, Via Torre di Presciano 1 Velletri (RM) – REA 859057
Pec. – CF: SCTSFN51R04H501T – P.IVA 00725161004
Importi ricevuti: euro 10.710,00 – contributo art. 1 DL n. 137 del 2020 (ricevuto il 26.11.20) – Ente erogatore: Agenzia delle Entrate. Euro 5.355,00 – contributo art. 25 DL n.34 del 2020 (ricevuto il 25.06.20) – Ente erogatore: Agenzia delle Entrate; Euro 2.500,00 – emergenza covid 19 misure urgenti sostegno attività agrituristica (ospitalità in alloggi) (ricevuto il 14.08.20) – Ente erogatore: Regione Lazio; Euro 5.355,00 – contributo art. 2 DL 172/2020 – Ente erogatore: Agenzia delle Entrate; Euro 13.508,00 – contributo art. 1 co. 16 DL n. 73 del 2021 – Ente erogatore: Agenzia delle Entrate; Euro 1.092,34 – bonus Lazio km 0 (ricevuto il 28.06.23) – Ente erogatore: Regione Lazio;