Fettuccine to the gricia
Pig in the oven
Potatos in the oven
and and
Water and Wine
Ciambelline with wine
Coffee and bitters
€ 40,00
Children's menu
Lasagna to the ragù
French fries
€ 28,00
Appetizer of the parade
Fettuccine artichokes and pecorino
Rolled with vitella
Potatos in the oven
Water and Wine
Ciambelline with wine
Coffee and bitters
€ 40,00
Children's menu
Lasagna to the ragù
Cotolet and chips
€ 28,00

Where we are
Via Torre di Presciano 1 Velletri (RM)
Opening hours
Open on Fridays for dinner.
Saturday for lunch and dinner
Sundays only at lunch.
We are also open on all holidays
Contact us
Tel: 06 961 951 54
Tel/Fax: 06 960 053 98
Cell: 339 82 58 719
Cell: 338 34 47 915
Cell: 339 35 44 258
Cell: 339 45 88 346
I Casali della Parata di Scatamacchia Stefano, Via Torre di Presciano 1 Velletri (RM) – REA 859057
Pec. scatamacchia.stefano@legalmail.it – CF: SCTSFN51R04H501T – P.IVA 00725161004
Amounts received: euro 10.710,00 – contribution art. 1 DL n. 137 of 2020 (received on 26.11.20) – Ente disburstore: Agenzia delle Entrate. Euro 5.355,00 – contribution art. 25 DL n.34 of 2020 (received on 25.06.20) – Enterist: Agenzia delle Entrate; Euro 2.500,00 – covid emergency 19 urgent measures support agritourism activities (hospitality in housing) (received on 14.08.20) – leased agency: Lazio Region; Euro 5.355,00 – contribution art. 2 DL 172/2020 – Exertion: Revenue; Euro 13.508,00 – contribution art. 1 co. 16 DL n. 73 of 2021 – Loyalty: Agenzia delle Entrate; Euro 1,092,34 – Lazio bonus km 0 (received on 28.06.23) – Ente emiss e leaver: Lazio Region;