Menu of 25 April
Appetizer of the Parade

Fettuccine to the gricia

Pig in the oven

Potatos in the oven

and and


Water and Wine

Ciambelline with wine

Coffee and bitters

€ 40,00

Children's menu

Appetizer children

Lasagna to the ragù


French fries

€ 28,00

Menù del 1 Maggio

Appetizer of the parade

Fettuccine artichokes and pecorino

Rolled with vitella

Potatos in the oven


Water and Wine

Ciambelline with wine

Coffee and bitters

€ 40,00

Children's menu

Appetizer children

Lasagna to the ragù

Cotolet and chips

€ 28,00

Where we are

Via Torre di Presciano 1 Velletri (RM)

Opening hours

Open on Fridays for dinner.
Saturday for lunch and dinner
Sundays only at lunch.
We are also open on all holidays

Contact us

Tel: 06 961 951 54
Tel/Fax: 06 960 053 98
Cell: 339 82 58 719
Cell: 338 34 47 915
Cell: 339 35 44 258
Cell: 339 45 88 346

© 2024 Copyright Agriturismo I Casali della Parata | All Rights Reserved.

I Casali della Parata di Scatamacchia Stefano, Via Torre di Presciano 1 Velletri (RM) – REA 859057
Pec. – CF: SCTSFN51R04H501T – P.IVA 00725161004

Amounts received: euro 10.710,00 – contribution art. 1 DL n. 137 of 2020 (received on 26.11.20) – Ente disburstore: Agenzia delle Entrate. Euro 5.355,00 – contribution art. 25 DL n.34 of 2020 (received on 25.06.20) – Enterist: Agenzia delle Entrate; Euro 2.500,00 – covid emergency 19 urgent measures support agritourism activities (hospitality in housing) (received on 14.08.20) – leased agency: Lazio Region; Euro 5.355,00 – contribution art. 2 DL 172/2020 – Exertion: Revenue; Euro 13.508,00 – contribution art. 1 co. 16 DL n. 73 of 2021 – Loyalty: Agenzia delle Entrate; Euro 1,092,34 – Lazio bonus km 0 (received on 28.06.23) – Ente emiss e leaver: Lazio Region;